What's in a name?

Haddy Nuff?  Me too.  That's why I chose it as my blogger name.  After 20 years of education and nearly 30 years spent in the corporate world I decided I had enough.  Time to do something else, or nothing, or whatever comes along.  This blog is dedicated to living life one day at a time - and trying my best to make the most of it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall Colors Along Red Creek

The weather was stunning so Tucker and I headed into the Sods for a quick backpacking trip. We followed trail into the upper Red Creek Canyon.

Tucker checked out the creek while I picked out a campsite.

Finding a decent location...

...we sat back and enjoyed the view.

Tucker kept watch over the camp...

Well... sort of.

We woke to a bright sunrise...

...and headed out passing several nice stands of ferns in fall glory.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures like this are the reason I'm a part of FB.
    Thanks, so much. Beautiful.
