What's in a name?

Haddy Nuff?  Me too.  That's why I chose it as my blogger name.  After 20 years of education and nearly 30 years spent in the corporate world I decided I had enough.  Time to do something else, or nothing, or whatever comes along.  This blog is dedicated to living life one day at a time - and trying my best to make the most of it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Artsy Fartsy Photography & Post-processing

A few images of the abstract variety. Post-processing accomplished with Adobe Lightroom.


With the solstice days away the Valley and surrounding region is reaching the peak of the summer season.

Spring newborns are everywhere. A mother turkey has a brood of 6 or more in the woods near our home. Young ravens are screeching as they soar along the ridge tops. Young groundhogs are moving into their own burrows. Chipmunks and red squirrels are busy in the duff on the ground and in the branches above. Butterflies abound. Lighting bugs are beginning to light up the evening woods. Sparrows, wrens and finches are exploring the grasses that are just going to seed. Snapping turtles are on the move. And, although we have not seen any just yet, fawns should be venturing from the woods and into the fields.

Deb and I took the occasion of fantastic weather to take a walk on the Sods with Tucker. The mountain laurel are in full bloom. We were continuously accompanied by pink-edged sulfur butterflies. A small covey of pheasants or woodcocks spring out of the trail ahead of us. A young finch landed on in a bush along our path and its mother quickly responded by darting at us trying to distract our attention.

I managed a few photos in an attempt at capturing a bit of what we saw.

Deb resting on her laurels.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Aaron's Graduation

Deb and I traveled to Seattle this past week to attend Aaron's graduation from the Univ. of Washington. We stayed with our son Greg and daughter-in-law Brooke.

A day or so before the commencement ceremonies Deb and Brooke combined efforts to make a cake. I suppose a fitting caption to this image might be, 'A Bride's Worse Nightmare,' but Brooke took Deb's help in the kitchen right in stride. After raising 2 sons Deb loves having another female in the family. It's fun watching the two of them (although I worry what is discussed out of earshot of us guys).

Graduation Day was bright and sunny. In Seattle! Amazing, yes? The Computer Science ceremony was held inside with a pleasant reception afterwards. The official commencement was held in Husky Stadium with 5,000+ graduates (Ph.D., M.S., and B.S.) marching up to collect their 'memento.' Actually diplomas will be sent later.

Thanks to Brooke, we have this fine family photo of the happy graduate, Greg, and Deb & me.

Before leaving for home Aaron took us on a short hike in the hills outside of Seattle where I captured the following images.