What's in a name?

Haddy Nuff?  Me too.  That's why I chose it as my blogger name.  After 20 years of education and nearly 30 years spent in the corporate world I decided I had enough.  Time to do something else, or nothing, or whatever comes along.  This blog is dedicated to living life one day at a time - and trying my best to make the most of it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Aaron's Visit

Youngest son, Aaron, has been visiting us from Seattle. In addition to rafting we've done a bit of hiking on and around the Sods. Here are a few images captured during those treks.

Aaron and Deb hiking above the Refuge.

Aaron, Tucker and I did an overnight backpacking trip.
We stopped by the site of one of our more memorable trips from the past where he and I plus his brother Greg and our Border Collie, Rascal, spent a harrowing night in a thunderstorm. We chose a much less open location for this night's camp.

Tucker at sunset near camp.

Our camp location was near a reliable spring and that fact coupled with it being the evening of the bright Harvest Moon encouraged many woodland creatures to visit us during the night - something Tucker found stressful. We were awoken multiple times by Tucker's growl or lunging at the inside of the tent door.

We enjoyed a brief downpour just before sunrise which contributed to a very nice morning haze.

Morning sun through the trees.

Dewey sunrise.

Aaron on the hike home.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gauley River

Youngest son, Aaron, is visiting us from Seattle for about 10 days. Yesterday he and I plus two friends from Charleston rafted the Upper Gauley. We did a commercial trip with Wildwater Unlimited, the oldest company on the river having - in my opinion - the best guides. Our guide was a young man named Travis. Travis' off-season job is teaching swift water rescue techniques (a great skill to have in one's guide).

We were in a small 12-foot 4-man raft rather than the standard 18-foot 6-man variety. This allowed us the opportunity for a bit more exciting ride through some of the 30+ rapids we encountered on our journey. Here's a link to an extensive set of videos showing most of the rapids we experienced. We ran all the rapids listed on the Upper Gauley section and took out below Wood's Ferry. http://www.gauleyriverrapids.com/

Our guide purposely flipped our raft and we all swam - guide included - a rapid listed as Guide's Revenge - also known as Fuzzy Little Box of Kittens.

We had a great day. Bright beautiful sunshine. Excellent water. A simply wonderful day for rafting.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall Colors Along Red Creek

The weather was stunning so Tucker and I headed into the Sods for a quick backpacking trip. We followed trail into the upper Red Creek Canyon.

Tucker checked out the creek while I picked out a campsite.

Finding a decent location...

...we sat back and enjoyed the view.

Tucker kept watch over the camp...

Well... sort of.

We woke to a bright sunrise...

...and headed out passing several nice stands of ferns in fall glory.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cass Photography Workshop

I spent yesterday in a photography workshop which was held at West Virginia's Cass State Park. Not sure I like any of the images I produced. You be the judge.

Old Lumber Mill

Sunrise over the Greenbriar

Bedroom in the Company Doctor's House

Log Skidder Boom

Black Locust

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Adirondack Park

Slipped away from the Valley for a week of backpacking and canoeing in the Adirondack Park with an old friend from my high school days. It had been 30+ years since my last visit. Since that time Loons have returned as have Eagles, Osprey and Heron. It was great trip with great weather. (click on images to expand)

Morning mist on Pharaoh Lake

Back water lagoon on Pharaoh Lake.

Miller's Falls

View from top of Pharaoh Mtn.

Long Pond Mtn.

Long Pond.

Kayaker on Long Pond.

Misty Morning on Long Pond

Scott on Long Pond