What's in a name?

Haddy Nuff?  Me too.  That's why I chose it as my blogger name.  After 20 years of education and nearly 30 years spent in the corporate world I decided I had enough.  Time to do something else, or nothing, or whatever comes along.  This blog is dedicated to living life one day at a time - and trying my best to make the most of it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Heat Wave...sort of

I know this borders on being evil, but I can't resist.

The southern states and east coast have been suffering under a series of oppressive heat waves. Temperatures today in New York, Philly, D.C. and points south were headed towards triple digits. Up here in the mountains we've been feeling the heat as well with temperatures reaching well into the 80's. What to do?!!!

A couple of days ago Deb, Tucker and I invited another family to join us on a hike along Otter Creek. As we trudged along the trail under a canopy of oaks, maples and birches listening to
the creek running alongside the trail we found ourselves drawn to the stream on several occasions to simply sit on a cool rock or take off our shoes and splash around in a small pool.

That evening another friend called and asked if I'd like to go for an bike ride in the morning. So, I dragged myself out of bed early enough to join him on a morning ride through the Wildlife Refuge in the north end of the Valley. We endured the humid morning air, occasional stream crossing, and open areas where we had to battle the soft morning breezes. More than one occasion we were forced to lay our bikes down in the damp dew and pick handfuls of plumb sweet blueberries in and effort to lift our spirits.

If you look back to my Feb. 14 post you'll find a similar view across the Refuge under somewhat different weather conditions.

Yet another friend called me this past evening looking for a means to escape this terrible weather we've been having; so this morning he, Tucker, and I headed up the Red Creek Trail in the Dolly Sods Wilderness to find some relief. More hiking and cool stream pools to endure.

I sure hope this weather breaks soon. I'm not sure how much more of this I can stand!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Our recent spell of hot and dry weather has negatively impacted this year's blueberry crop. Where we typically find bushes dripping with berries, this year the picking is noticeably sparser.

No matter... It just allows more time for gazing at the scenery and enjoying the sunshine.

Monday, July 5, 2010

35th Wedding Anniversary

It is hard for me to grasp the fact that we have been married thirty-five years. It truly seems like - well maybe not yesterday - but certainly not like we're in our 4th decade together! Living in Canaan this past year has allowed us more time together on a daily basis than probably any other period in our marriage - and it is proving to be a fabulous experience.

Admittedly there are certain shortcomings to living in a remote rural area. For example, the local stores do not have the broadest selection of cards and due to poor planning on my part (Be nice, I've only had 35 years of practice) I ended up purchasing an anniversary card at the local Dollar General. What a deal! I got the card and an ice cream bar for the grand total of $2.08.

According to an Internet reference, the traditional 35th wedding anniversary gift used to be coral. Of course, in this day and age giving gifts made of out of coral is considered inappropriate because of the damage it promotes to precious coral reefs; however in honor of that tradition we did the next best thing - we went for a riverside picnic.

The weather was hot (almost 90 degrees!) and dry, but the Dry Fork still had a nice flow. We chose the spot where the cold waters of Otter Creek blend with the Fork allowing for wading between cool and warm zones (kind of like most suburban pools - but without the kids). Just upstream from this location the stream flows through a sandstone cobble bar before flowing over a ledge of Mississippian Greenbrier limestone which was deposited some 350 million years ago (kind makes the 35th anniversary pale by comparison, eh?). The following images capture a few moments from our visit (clicking an image should expand it).

Downstream view showing suspension walking bridge.

Greenbrier Limestone. Potholes are formed by pebbles being swirled around in the river currents.

Tucker explores the unique geometric limestone patterns on river bottom.

Rusty the Wonder Dog.

Debbie. She wears her 35 years of marriage well, no?

Follow the link for a bit of river magic. The Dry Fork