What's in a name?

Haddy Nuff?  Me too.  That's why I chose it as my blogger name.  After 20 years of education and nearly 30 years spent in the corporate world I decided I had enough.  Time to do something else, or nothing, or whatever comes along.  This blog is dedicated to living life one day at a time - and trying my best to make the most of it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Meet Milly

This past week I have been blessed with the opportunity to spend time with another woman; and my wife has been fully supportive.  Meet Milly.  Milly (real name Amelia) is a 5 year old spitfire that I have been granted responsibility to teach how to ski.  

Day One was a group lesson with several other children; Milly quickly stood out as the most eager to learn (but not necessarily the most able to listen).  Day Two consisted of a smaller group (all girls) - again Miss Milly demanded (and received) the most attention.  Days Three and Four were private lessons, just Milly and me (no more competing for attention, but still demanding).  Within these four days Milly progressed from the practice area to the Bunny Hill to skiing the easiest trail down from the top to being able to follow me down a double black (most difficult) trail.

I wish I could share the video I shot of her skiing with you, but the video posting feature on this blog is not working for me - so for now you'll have to settle for a snapshot. 

1 comment:

  1. Just goes to show... the squeaky wheel get the grease! Can't wait to see video!
